[Salon] Democrats Are Still Blaming the Voters


Democrats Are Still Blaming the Voters

Or Poor Messaging...Or Something

Bill Astore   3/2/25

An old friend and I continue to joust about why the Democrats lost last year. My friend still applauds Joe Biden and his many accomplishments, e.g. infrastructure bill, (limited) student loan debt relief, and so on. And this is what Kamala Harris should have stressed in her campaign, as I wrote to him here:

Yes--this is why I was so upset at Kamala and the DNC. They ran on Liz Cheney, military lethality, and a blank check for Israel's genocide against Gaza, instead of stressing student debt relief, a higher minimum wage, etc.

Sorry—not her fault. She ran a great campaign! American voters just weren’t enlightened enough to recognize her goodness and greatness.

My friend replied I was cherry-picking as he extolled the virtues of Harris’ inclusive and brave campaign. That set me off, so I wrote this back to him:

Harris and the DNC lost because they ran a bad campaign. Put simply, too many voters stayed home. Or they even switched their vote to Trump.

Because Harris and the DNC ran a bad--losing--campaign, we're stuck with Trump and his toadies and cronies for the next four years.

Harris LOST. To Trump! You can't (or shouldn't) explain this away. Harris and the Democrats LOST, definitively and by a substantial margin in the electoral college. And you can't blame the voters for that. You have to earn votes, which Harris simply didn't do.

Get over your apologia tour for Harris and the DNC. They LOST. And guess who the DNC is touting for 2028? Zionists like Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman! Or even that empty suit and tool, Pete Buttigieg.

The Democrats need someone like Bernie Sanders and a populist campaign, except the DNC and Obama did everything they could to block him in 2016 and 2020.

Who is the next Bernie, and will the DNC finally slacken the corporate shackles to allow someone like Bernie to run in 2028? Because if they don't, it'll be JD Vance as our president in 2029, assuming America lasts that long.

Honestly, I think the Democratic Party is doomed. When they lose, they blame the voters. Meanwhile, they’ve already waved the white flag of surrender to Trump. The only thing that might defeat Trump/Vance/MAGA in 2028 is their own excesses. The question is whether democracy and indeed America will survive those excesses.

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